Future Horizons: Fostering a Welcoming Industry and Meeting Student Expectations in Aviation Workforce Development"

Panel Discussion

Freitag, 19.04.2024
10:00 - 11:00 Uhr
AERO Conference Stage Foyer West

Elixir Aircraft

  • Cyril Champenois


  • Axel Dofey 


  • John Franklin


Student 1

  • Katalin Sachse


  • Janis Mauch

The aviation industry is experiencing a new era driven by a commitment to constant innovation and serving as a catalyst for emerging technologies. This growth has given rise to the demand for a new generation of skilled workforce. In this conference, we will facilitate a dialogue between industry representatives and students to explore the initiatives undertaken by companies to attract the upcoming generations, as well as the expectations of our students. AERO takes pride in hosting this significant panel, aiming to shed light on the notion that fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is a key factor in creating a more appealing sector.

Podiumsdiskussion, Branchentrends

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